Ó÷åáíèê äëÿ 6 êëàññà

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Let Us Read

20. Read this text written by a twelve-year-old girl and say why, in your opinion, she wrote such a story.


(By Linda Black, age 12)

23. Vicki was coming home from her small country school and it was one of the last days of the term. The sun was in the sky and the birds were singing their beautiful songs. Vicki loved the countryside and she had lived there all her life. The weather was so nice that Vicki decided to take a longer way home, to the cottage where she lived. On her way she passed through a little grove1 where she used to play. Vicki was shocked to see that the grove looked terrible: it was piled with rubbish. Vicki ran all the way back home. She had to do something about this mess. Suddenly she had an idea. She would start her own “Clean up the Countryside” Society.

When Vicki got home she phoned four of her school friends — Alice, Rosie, Cathy and Jane. They all agreed to meet her at the grove. The girls set to work filling big black plastic bags with rubbish. It was hard work but soon all the rubbish was cleared away and the grove looked beautiful again.

On the next day the society had another meeting. Vicki said, “Today we must watch for rubbish dumpers.”2 Everyone agreed and soon Rosie and Jane noticed some picnickers. The picnickers were finishing their picnic and they left all their rubbish on the ground. “What are you going to do with all that litter you’ve left?” asked the girls. “I don’t know what you mean,” said a tall man with an American accent. “Just think,” said Vicki. “Think about those bits of glass that you have left from your bottles of juice, of all those cola cans and think about how ugly the place will look littered like that. It can also hurt wild animals.” “The young lady is right,” said a woman with a little hat on. “We just can’t leave this rubbish here.” “That’s right,” said Vicki. “Here take this bag.” “Thank you, girls,” they said, “for helping us understand that the country is a beautiful place and that we must not spoil it.” Then they all got into their American car and drove to the town. Vicki and her friends shouted, “Three cheers for our Society!3 Hip Hip Hoorah! Hip Hip Hoorah! Hip Hip Hoorah!”.

You can imagine how surprised the girls were when the next morning their Science teacher, Mr Bird, spoke to the class about ecology and the importance of keeping the environment clean. He said that pollution was getting worse and worse which could easily bring about a global disaster. The result of the environmental crisis was that in many parts of the world humans were beginning to suffer from shortages of food and clean water to survive. But Mr Bird said there was always hope. People had already learnt some important rules to protect the environment:

Dos and Don’ts4

1. Ask your governments to make laws to protect air, water and soil.
2. Develop international cooperation to solve ecological problems together.
3. Save water, gas, energy and other natural resources.
4. Keep your towns, cities and countryside clean.

1. Don’t waste water, gas, energy, natural resources.
2. Don’t poison the water, air and soil.
3. Don’t dump or pour industrial waste into rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
4. Don’t turn the planet into a rubbish dump.

At the end of the lesson Mr Bird asked his class what each of them could personally do to help protect the environment. Vicki told the class what had happened in the grove the day before. The teacher and the students praised Vicki, Alice, Rosie, Cathy and Jane and decided to join their “Clean up the Countryside” Society.

1 a grove — ðîùà
2 rubbish dumpers — ëþäè, êîòîðûå óñòðàèâàþò ìóñîðíûå ñâàëêè íà ïðèðîäå
3 Three cheers for our Society! — Òðîåêðàòíîå «Óðà!» íàøåìó îáùåñòâó!
4Dos and Don’ts — ×òî íàäî è ÷åãî íå íàäî äåëàòü

21. Answer the questions on the text.

  1. What happened to Vicki on one of the last days of the term?
  2. Why did Vicki take a longer way home that day?
  3. Why was Vicki shocked when she was passing through the grove?
  4. What idea did Vicki have when she saw the mess?
  5. Who helped Vicki to do the job?
  6. What did the five girls do?
  7. What did the friends do the next day?
  8. What did Mr Bird say about the result of the environmental crisis?
  9. Why did Mr Bird and the class praise Vicki and her four friends?
  10. Why did all the students decide to join Vicki’s “Clean up the Countryside” Society?

22. Say 3 phrases on each of these items.

  1. Vicki loved the countryside.
  2. Vicki was shocked.
  3. Vicki had an idea.
  4. Vicki and her friends watched for rubbish dumpers.
  5. The picnickers understood the girls.
  6. The teacher spoke about the crisis.
  7. People had learnt some important rules.
  8. Vicki told the class about their society.

23. Describe the grove before the girls cleared away the mess and after it.


to be in a terrible mess
to be piled with rubbish
a lot of litter thrown about
bits of glass from bottles
plastic bottles
paper and plastic bags
broken branches
to look ugly


to be cleared away
to be picked up and put into special plastic bags
to look wonderful again clean and tidy
no rubbish under the trees and bushes
a great place to live in
a healthy habitat for animals

* * * * * Let Us Talk * * * * *

24. Tell Vicki’s story (the one that she told her class) or Mr Bird’s story (the one that he heard from Vicki).

25. Make up and act out a dialogue between Vicki and one of the American picnickers.

26. Comment on one of the Dos and the Don’ts from the text.

27. Imagine that you and your friends decided to start a “Clean up Our City” Society. What will you do? What’s your plan?

28. What can you do to help the world? Do you think these words of advice can help? Which of them are most important? What will you add?

Words of Advice

  • Walk or use a bicycle instead of going by car.
  • Don’t make litter with paper, cans or bottles.
  • Recycle1 used materials such as metal, bottles and paper.
  • Plant more trees.
  • Feed birds in winter and help them survive in the cold,
  • Save energy. Use less electricity and gas. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
  • Clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.
  • Have showers, not baths. Showers use less water.

1 to recycle — ñäàâàòü â ïåðåðàáîòêó

* * * * * Let Us Write * * * * *

29. Do ex. 5, ex. 17 in writing

30. Express the same in English.

  1. Ó÷èòåëü ñïðîñèë Àíþ, êàêèå ìåæäóíàðîäíûå îðãàíèçàöèè îíà çíàåò.
  2. Â êîìíàòå áûë æóòêèé áåñïîðÿäîê.
  3. Ìàëåíüêèé Íèê ñêàçàë, ÷òî ïàïà ïîõâàëèë åãî.
  4. Ìýðè õîòåëà óçíàòü, ãäå ìû áóäåì ñàæàòü äåðåâüÿ.
  5. Áàáóøêà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî ÷åðåç òðè äíÿ ïîãîäà èçìåíèòñÿ ê ëó÷øåìó.
  6. Ýíäðþ ñêàçàë, ÷òî ïðîøëàÿ çèìà áûëà î÷åíü õîëîäíîé è èì ïðèõîäèëîñü êîðìèòü æèâîòíûõ.
  7. Ìàøà ïîïðîñèëà ìåíÿ íå îñòàâëÿòü ìóñîð â ñàäó.
  8. Áîá ñêàçàë, ÷òî îí âñåãäà ãàñèò ñâåò, êîãäà âûõîäèò èç êîìíàòû.
  9. Äîêëàä÷èê (speaker) ïîñîâåòîâàë íàì ýêîíîìèòü ýíåðãèþ è èñïîëüçîâàòü ìåíüøå ýëåêòðè÷åñòâà è ãàçà.
  10. Ïîâàð èñïîðòèë ñóï: îí ïåðåñîëèë åãî.
  11. Ñàëëè âñåãäà ïîìîãàåò ìàìå óáèðàòü ñî ñòîëà.

31. Imagine that the Greenpeace1 organization asked you to design T-shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Work in small groups and design 3 T-shirts on big sheets of paper. Show your designs to the class. Choose the best three.

1 Greenpeace — an international organization that works to protect the environment from harm

32. Nick is sick and in bed. He has broken his leg and has to stay in bed for a month. John wants to cheer him up. This is the postcard Nick got from his friend John. Try and understand what it is about and write your own Get-Well card to your friend who is ill.

33. Look at the words again and get ready to write a spelling quiz on them.

an accent, cooperation, a picnicker, global, a cri-sis, international, energy, hoorah, personally, to shock (to be shocked), a term, to clear, a pile, to pile, a (little) bit, a mess, a society, a can, to can, to spoil, a disaster, praise, to set to work

* * * * * Let us listen and Discuss * * * * *

34. a) Make sure you know these words:

choosy — ðàçáîð÷èâûé, êàïðèçíûé
path — äîðîæêà
gate — âîðîòà
bush — êóñò
fence — èçãîðîäü
dig — êîïàòü

b) Listen to the tape, (ØÝ 24, and complete these sentences.

  1. You know that the British climate...
  2. When it begins snowing hard it can become...
  3. One night there was...
  4. When Mr White woke up in the morning he saw...
  5. Mr White couldn’t...
  6. Mr White paid a man ... from the path.
  7. Don’t throw the snow on that side, because...
  8. Mr White was pleased until...
  9. All the snow from the path was...
  10. Mr White had to dig his car out...

35. Tell the story on the part of Mr White and on the part of the man who was paid to do the job. You can use the task above as an outline.

36. Think of the moral of this story and discuss it with your class.



