Учебник английского языка
7 класс

4 unit.
It Takes Many Kinds to Make the World



71. Do these exercises in writing: 5, 8, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 43, 52.

72. Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary to complete the sentences.

  1. ... young woman in ... picture has ... long wavy hair and ... big mouth with ... white even teeth.
  2. Paul has never worn ... beard, but now he is wearing ... moustache.
  3. Margo is ... tall stout girl, she is ... teenager.
  4. The baby was loveable. It had ... round blue eyes, ... button nose and ... mouth that was always smiling.
  5. Who is ... short dark-haired man standing at ... door?
  6. ... best friend of mine is ... very intellectual boy. And his manners are ... most polite in our class.
  7. — Does Alice always wear her hair in ... ponytail? — No, sometimes she makes ... braid.

73. Express the same in English.


  1. Ты видел, как Виктор зажёг свечи? Они в подсвечниках?
  2. Алиса наблюдала за тем, как её старшая сестра стелила (to spread) скатерть на стол.
  3. Не думаю, что в комнате достаточно света. Включи свет, пожалуйста.
  4. Я почувствовал, что кто-то толкнул меня.
  5. Позволь мне везти (тащить) санки самому.
  6. Ты слышишь, что кто-то стучит в дверь?
  7. Мама всегда хочет, чтобы я говорил с маленькой сестрой с любовью и заботой.
  8. Ты жалеешь о том, что ты сказал?
  9. Кто заставил тебя завести эти старые часы?
  10. «Как она выглядит?» — спросила Кейт.
  11. Моя бабушка пожилая женщина. У неё седые волосы и бледно-голубые глаза. Она невысокого роста. У неё доброе, весёлое лицо.
  12. Мы заметили, что мама унесла вазу с фруктами на кухню.
  13. Моя тётя сказала, что она не имеет ничего против громкой музыки.


  1. Я считаю, что внешность человека не так важна, как его характер, поведение, манеры и вкусы.
  2. Никогда не видел таких зловредных людей. К тому же он часто бывает в мрачном настроении. Не хочу видеть его снова.
  3. Какой очаровательный ребёнок! Только посмотри на эти светлые кудрявые волосы и длинные чёрные ресницы.
  4. Мой друг очень самостоятелен и надёжен. Я очень люблю его, хотя иногда он поднимает шум по пустякам.
  5. Больше всего в моей маме мне нравится то, что она так заботлива и терпелива. А ещё то, что она всегда жизнерадостна.
  6. Моя подруга очень хорошенькая. Она носит волосы до плеч, у неё выразительные голубые глаза, она высокая и стройная. Но, главное, она добродушна и обладает потрясающим чувством юмора.
  7. Преступник в этом фильме выглядел ужасно: у него была чёрная борода, длинный нос и маленькие сверкающие глазки.

74. Make the story complete. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right.

One day when Pooh Bear already 1) ______ some of his friends and had nothing else to do, he 2) ______ he 3) _____ round to Piglet’s house 4) _______what Piglet 5) _______. It 6) _______ since early morning. Pooh expected 7) _______ Piglet 8) ________ his toes in front of his fire, but to his surprise he 9)___________ that the door was open, and the more he 10) __________ inside the more Piglet was not there.

“So what I 11) ______ , said Pooh, “is this. I 12) ____ home first and see what the time 13) ____ , and perhaps I 14) ________ a scarf round my neck, and then I 15) ________ and see Eeyore and sing my new hum1 to him.”

Pooh 16) ________ back to his own house. When he 17)________ his door, he suddenly 18) _________ Piglet 19) ________ in his best armchair. Pooh could only 20) ________ there 21)________whose house he 22) ________ in.

“Hallo, Piglet,” said Pooh, “I think you 23) ________ out.”

“No,” said Piglet, “it’s you who 24) ___________ out. I 25) _________ here for an hour already.”

Pooh 26) _________ 27) _________ at five minutes to eleven some weeks before.


1 a hum — зд, «пыхтелка»

75. Spell these words.

76. Test your spelling. Listen to the recording, 24, and write down the sentences.


77. Look at the picture of a tiger and match the number with the words describing parts of its body. Listen to the recording, 25, and check yourselves.

78. Listen to the poem, 26, and read it.

Waiting at the Window

(By A. A. Milne)

        There are my two drops of rain
        Waiting on the window pane.1
        I am waiting here to see
        Which the winning one will be.
        Both of them have different names.
        One is John and one is James.
        All the best and all the worst
        Comes from which of them is first.
        James had just begun to ooze.2
        He’s the one I want to lose.
        John is waiting to begin.
        He’s the one I want to win.
        James is going slowly on.
        Something sorts of sticks3 to John.
        John is moving off4 at last.
        James is going pretty fast.
        John is rushing5 down the pane.
        James is going slow again.
        James has met a sort of smear.6
        John is getting very near.
        Is he going fast enough?
        (James has found a piece of fluff.7)
        John has hurried quickly by.
        James was talking to a fly.
        John is there, and John has won!
        Look! I told you! Here’s the sun!

1 window pane — оконное стекло
2 to ooze — медленно течь
3 ... sorts of sticks ... — ...похоже, что-то прилипло...
4 is moving off — сдвигается с места
5 is rushing — торопится
6 a sort of smear [sinia] — что-то липкое
7 fluff — пушинка

79. The poem “Waiting at the Window” describes the game Christopher Robin invented on a rainy morning looking through the window. Have you ever played a game like this? Have you ever invented games of your own? Describe them.

80. These are six English idioms in which colours are mentioned. Read the idioms and then say which of them you can use in the sentences below.

Colour Idioms

  1. to give a black look — гневно взглянуть
  2. once in a blue moon — очень редко, почти никогда
  3. to be (feel) blue — грустить, быть в плохом настроении
  4. to be like a red rag to a bull — действовать на кого-либо, как красная тряпка на быка, раздражать кого-либо, приводить в ярость
  5. a white elephant — дорогой, но бесполезный подарок
  6. to be yellow — струсить, быть трусом
  1. My daddy has a car, but he doesn’t drive and he has no garage.
  2. Jack is not brave at all, he always runs away when we fight.
  3. My aunt Polly can’t stand long hair and platform shoes.
  4. I think he hates me. He always looks at me angrily.
  5. What has happened? Why are you so sad?
  6. Call me more often. You hardly ever call me these days.

81. Read the jokes and match them with the pictures.

  1. A small boy with a camera in his hands ran up to a man in the street.

    “Help! Help!” he shouted. “A big dog is running after my father!”

    “How can I help you?” asked the man.

    “Put a film in my camera. I don’t know how to do it,” explained the boy.

  2. Someone asked Will, “Do you know why our language is called our mother tongue?”

    “That question is easy to answer,” replied Will. “It’s mothers who use it most. You should just hear my mother talking to our neighbour.”

  3. A grateful student who was leaving school came to say goodbye to his teacher.

    “Thank you very much,” he said. “I owe you everything I know.”

    “Don’t mention it,” answered the teacher. “That is nothing much.”

82. For further information on the topic “It Takes Many Kinds to Make the World” see the Internet sites:



Hоmе Reading Lessons 6,7

Project Work 4



