Учебник английского языка
7 класс

Unit 6.
The Pleasure of Reading


New language

Grammar Section

25. Collective nouns are names of a group of people, animals or collections of things — a crowd, a class, a family, a government, a club.

A. Learn soma new collective nouns.

1 a whale — кит

B. Say what these collective nouns mean in Russian.

26. Use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the same.

army, audience, bunch, bundle, class, committee, crew, crowd, family, flock, government, herd(2), pack, pride, swarm, school, team

  1. A number of cows or bulls is a ....
  2. A large number of people is a ....
  3. All the people working on a ship or plane are a ... .
  4. A number of sticks is a ....
  5. A number of sheep is a ... .
  6. A group of people who play, act or work together is a ... .
  7. A number of flies or other insects is a ....
  8. A group of people chosen to direct some work is a ....
  9. A group of relatives is a ... .
  10. People listening to or watching a performance are an ... .
  11. A number of flowers is a ... .
  12. A big number of soldiers is an ....
  13. A group of elephants is a ....
  14. A group of lions is a ... .
  15. A number of dogs or wolves is a ... .
  16. A group of statesmen or rulers of a country is a ....
  17. A group of pupils is a ... .
  18. A group of whales is a ....

Read and compare!

A whole group

1. All the government agree that the situation is difficult. They are making new plans for the year.
2. Our class have decided to hold our ski races next Saturday.
3. My family are angry with me. They don’t like my idea of going to Siberia alone.
4. Our team are going to lose the game. They are useless.

Individuals that make up a group

1. The new government is better than the old. It has much more success.
2. Class 7 “A” is responsible for the job.
3. The average Russian family has 3-4 members. It is smaller than at the begin ning of the last century.
4. A football team is made up of 11 players. It is smaller than a rugby team.

Bui: The police have arrived. The police are looking for Mr N. Are the police here?

Read and compare!

* I *


1. Can I have some paper to write on? 2. What is glass made of? 3. Stone is often used to build houses. 4. There’s egg on your face. 5. This new bridge is made of iron. 6. Don’t eat too much cake, it isn’t good for you. 7. I don’t like meat but I like chicken. 8. I need more apple for the pie.

Single Items
(Отдельные предметы)

1. My father buys two or three papers every morning. 2. I’d like a glass of water, please. 3. Look what pretty stones I’ve found on the beach. 4. Today I had two boiled eggs for breakfast. 5. I need a new iron. My old one doesn’t work. 6. I want to make a birthday cake for you. 7. Little chickens are so love ly. 8. Cut up 3 apples and use them for the pie.

* II *


1. How many days can a man live without water?
2. The table is made of metal.
3. Eat more salad. It is healthy.

Sorts and Kinds

1. Narzan is a mineral water.
2. Silver is a metal.
3. There are so many salads on the menu.

* III *

Food and Drinks

1. Don’t drink so much coffee.
2. All children like ice cream.
3. Soup is traditionally eaten at the beginning of a meal.
4. I love chocolate!

A Portion of Food or Drink

1. Can I have another coffee, please?
2. Would you like an ice cream?
3. We would like two soups, please.
4. A box of chocolates can make a good present.

27. A. Use a or zero article to complete the story.

Last Sunday was mother’s birthday and we decided to eat out. Dad took us to ... (1) new restaurant, that his friend had recommended to him. The restaurant was ... (2) tall building' made of ... (3) glass and ... (4) stone. Inside it was as beautiful as outside. Every table was covered with ... (5) red-and-white tablecloth. In front of each of us the waiter put ... (6) glass, ... (7) plate, ... (8) spoon, ... (9) knife and ... (10) fork. On the menu there were ... (11) lot of things that we liked: ... (12) meat, ... (13) fish, ... (14) chicken, ... (15) vegetables and ... (16) fruit. My brother and I had ... (17) green salad with ... (18) egg in it (just the way we like it). Then we had ... (19) fish and ... (20) chips with ... (21) greens. For dessert each of us had ... (22) fruit salad with ... (23) ice cream on top of it. We drank ... (24) coke and ... (25) tea, and mum and dad had ... (26) glass of wine each. It was ... (27) lovely meal!

B. Speak about a nice meal that you once had.

28. Express the same in English, use articles a/an, the or zero article, some or any.

Example: Передай мне кофе, пожалуйста. Pass те the coffee, please.
      Кофе растёт в жарких странах. Coffee is grown in hot countries.
      Два кофе, будьте добры. Two coffees, please.
      Чашку кофе, пожалуйста. А сир of coffee, please.
      Кофе остался? Is there any coffee left?

  1. 1. Я люблю чай с лимоном. 2. Лимон на столе. Порежь его. 3. Сходи в магазин и купи яблок и лимон. 4. Для пирога мне нужны лимоны. Купи лимонов, пожалуйста.
  2. 1, Дай мне стакан молока. 2. Масло делают из молока. 3. Молоко холодное. 4. В холодильнике есть молоко? 5. Я не люблю молоко, но сейчас я хочу выпить молока.
  3. 1. Масло свежее. Оно тебе понравится. 2. Где масло? 3. Положи масло в холодильник. 4. Дай мне немного масла, кусочка масла хватит. 5. Дома есть масло? 6. Масло — это молочный продукт.
  4. 1. Три чая, пожалуйста. 2. — Вам чай или кофе? — Мне стакан чая. 3. Англичане любят пить чай с молоком, а русские предпочитают чай с лимоном. 4. В коробке для чая (tea caddy) нет чая. Купи чая, пожалуйста.

29. A. Read and remember. See Reference Grammar, p. 321

1 a brunch — a meal taken in the middle of the morning (a combination of a late breakfast and early lunch)

B. In some of these sentences articles are missing. Put in the articles to make the sentences grammatically correct.

  1. (At) what time do you usually have breakfast?
  2. I advise you to have light supper; that’ll help you to lose weight.
  3. Dinner they gave us yesterday was very good.
  4. Supper is in fridge. Warm it up.
  5. Wash your hands, dinner is ready.
  6. What huge breakfast!
  7. Thanks very much for supper.
  8. I always have lunch at school.
  9. Lunch consisted of two sandwiches and cup of coffee.
  10. What do you want me to cook for dinner?

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

30. Translate these sentences into Russian.

  1. Mr Finch will have been living in Rome for 3 years next May.
  2. By this time next week Dr Johnson will have been working on this project for a year.
  3. By the end of the year they will have been constructing this swimming pool.
  4. Miss Honey will have been teaching for 10 years this summer.
  5. By 6 o’clock John will have been working on the computer for 5 hours!

Read and compare!

Clauses of time and condition

1. We shall discuss it when Alice comes.
2. If you send the letter today, they will get it on time.
3. Call me when he arrives.
4. You won’t be tired if you don’t stay up late.

Object clauses

1. I don’t know when Alice will come.
2. We are not sure if they will send the letter on time.
3. He never says when he will arrive.
4. Tell Mother if you will stay up late.

31. Complete the sentences using the ideas in brackets.

  1. Ask the teacher (когда вы пойдёте в музей).
  2. I want to know (когда Эндрю пошлёт нам письмо по электронной почте).
  3. (Когда урок закончится), we shall go home.
  4. I won’t be able to do the exercise (если ты мне не поможешь).
  5. Don’t tell them (когда начнётся собрание).
  6. Bob wonders (придём ли мы к нему на вечеринку).
  7. Will you find out (когда у нас последнее занятие по географии)?
  8. (Если вы не откроете окно), it will be hot in the room soon.
  9. I don’t know (останется ли он в Москве надолго).
  10. We are not sure (придут ли они), but (если они придут), explain everything to them.



