Учебник английского языка
7 класс

7 unit.
Popular Arts


Social English

Vocabulary Section

33. Learn to make offers and to reply to offers. Listen to the text and repeat it after the announcer, 37.

If you want to do something together with a friend, you can put it like this:
— It might be an idea to go to the cinema.
— Have you ever thought of travelling?
— Why don’t we play football in the gym?
— (How) would you like to come to my place this afternoon?
— What about going to the theatre on Sunday?
— Do you feel like watching a new video film?
— Let’s go ice-skating.

And then your friend will probably reply:


— Great!
— That’s a wonderful idea.
— I’d love to.
— I’d like that very much.
— That would be very nice. Thank you.
— That sounds like a good idea.


— That’s all very well, but I’m really busy tonight.
— That’s quite a good idea, but I don’t think I can make it.
— It’s nice of you to ask, but I’m afraid I must stay at home and help mother.
— I don’t think I can/will, thanks all the same.

34. Complete these dialogues.

  1. A: ... to a football match with me tonight?
    B: ... and do my homework.
    A: ... next week?
    B: ... Thank you.
  2. A; ... a new video after classes?
    B: ... Thank you all the same.
    A: ... tomorrow?
    B: ... I’d love to. ...
  3. A: ... to a party with me tonight?
    B; ... but I’m afraid I can’t make it.
    A; ... Then why don’t we ...?
    В: ... very much.
  4. A: ... Look, I’ve got two tickets to the theatre. ...?
    В: That sounds ............?
    A: On Saturday. The play begins ... .
    В: ... Thank you.

35. Work in pairs. Invite your partner to some place or decide if you would like to do something together. Do it in a proper manner.

36. Complete the sentences using prepositions with the verb to set.

  1. Let’s set the table ... and have dinner in the garden.
  2. When do you think we should set ... our business?
  3. It’s not easy to set some children ... homework.
  4. She looked at the pile of dirty plates, thought for a while and set ... washing-up.
  5. My school is far from my home so I have to set ... rather early in the morning.
  6. In summer we usually set our house plants ... on the balcony.
  7. Before Christmas the children were set ... making Christmas decorations: tinsel, crackers and toys.
  8. How can I do the job if I don’t know even how to set ... it?


37. A. Read and guess what the words in bold type mean.

They live in a quiet neighbourhood with good shops. Do the three friends live in the same neighbourhood?

Do your parents give you any pocket money? Children usually spend their pocket money on sweets and ice creams. How much pocket money have you got?

Gerry was a handy boy and knew how to do things about the house. A handy person is good with his hands.

They drove through a deserted village. There were no people about: they had all left the place some time before. The doors and windows of the deserted house were open.

The inhabitants of a place are people or animals who live there. The inhabitants of this town are friendly and polite.

When you greet someone, you show friendliness or pleasure when you meet them. He went to the door to greet his guests. When their father arrived home from work the children ran out to greet him.

The children laughed happily. Their laughter was so loud that it almost woke up their old grandmother. Laughter and applause came from behind the closed door of the classroom.

B. Look these words up to make sure that you have guessed right.

38. Read the words, look them up and then study the word combinations and sentences to know how to use them.

a fair (n): a book fair, a trade fair, a country fair. A country fair is a big market where animals, dairy products, vegetables and fruit are sold.

fortune (n):

  1. (uncount.) the boy’s fortune, my fortune, to seek one’s fortune. Fortune is what happens to you as life goes on. The old lady looked at my hand and told my fortune.
  2. (count.) A fortune is a large sum of money. His father left him an immense fortune.

fortunate (adj): a fortunate event, a fortunate person, a fortunate choice. I have always been fortunate in my friends. Is Martin fortunate enough to have a good job?

unfortunate (adj): It’s unfortunate that you were ill that day.

fortunately/unfortunately (adv): Fortunately no one noticed the broken cup. Fortunately for us the bus came exactly on time. Unfortunately they were late and missed the beginning of the performance.

to mend (v): to mend shoes, to mend the roof of a house. Granny, could you mend these socks for me? Oliver often mended toys for his little brother. We often mend something that has a hole in it. Do you know how to mend a clock?

a bargain (n): a good bargain; to be a real bargain, to make a bargain, bargain prices. Let’s shake hands on the bargain. I promise to keep my part of the bargain. Olga bought ten books instead of five: they were a bargain!

noble (adj): a noble man, a noble profession, noble behaviour, a noble action, a noble character. Someone who is noble is honest, brave and unselfish. In this book you can see the names of the noblest people in our history.

sour (adj): sour fruit, sour milk, sour cream; a sour face, a sour smile, a sour look. These apples are green and taste very sour. Put some sour cream into your soup to make it taste better. She gave me a sour look each time I passed her table. By the boy’s sour smile I understood that something was wrong.

to set (set, set) (u):

  1. (usually passive) to be set. The second act is set in London. Their house is set in a beautiful garden.
  2. (about the sun) The sun is setting. We like to watch the sunset.
  3. (about the table) He quickly set the table for three. The table was set for dinner.
  4. to set a task, to set sb a problem, to set the time, to set a date, to set a clock, to set a good (bad) example, to set one’s heart upon sth. The time and date of the meeting have not yet been set. I want уon to set your watch by mine. His clock was set for 5 a.m. All is set. As soon as she saw the ring in the shop she set her heart upon it.

thread (n):

  1. (uncount.) gold thread, nylon thread, cotton thread. Thread can be used for sewing pieces of cloth together. Mum, can I have a needle and some thread?
  2. (count.) A thread is a long, very thin piece of cotton, silk, nylon or wool,

a sight (n): a familiar sight, the sight of sth, to be in sight, to be out of sight, at the sight of sth, to come into sight. Mary cried at the sight of the broken toy. There’s paint all over your face. What a sight you are! The sight of the beautiful valley made a great impression on the artist. At lastthe bus came into sight. As soon as the car was out of sight, we walked home.

a tune (n): a merry tune, a sad tune, a new tune, to play a tune. What’s this tune? I can’t remember where it comes from. He walked along the road singing a tune.

to tune (v): to tune a musical instrument, to tune up. Before the performance musicians always tune their instruments. The orchestra were tuning up.

to spread (spread/spread) (v): to spread butter on a piece of toast, to spread bread with jam, to spread news or information, to spread one’s arms or fingers. The news of their marriage spread quickly. Children like toast spread with marmalade. Jack lay on the grass with his arms spread,

to drop (v): to drop a pen, to drop a spoon, to drop a tear. Careful! Don’t drop the plates! Gordon dropped the cup and it broke. His temperature dropped. The apple dropped from the tree to the ground. She closed her eyes and dropped into a chair.

39. Name three things that can be:

  1. sour;
  2. sweet;
  3. bitter;
  4. unusual;
  5. nice;
  6. hot (spicy).

Example: Mustard is (can be) bitter.

40. Say:

  1. what public places (cinemas, hospitals, etc.) there are in your neighbourhood;
  2. if it is a compliment when someone calls you handy;
  3. if you would like to live on a deserted island or in a deserted village;
  4. what people in Russia (men, women, children) usually do when they greet each other;
  5. where the sun sets and rises;
  6. what people do when they set the table;
  7. where you can hear laughter most often, when laughter may sound impolite;
  8. if you have ever been to a fair, when it was and what impression it made on you;
  9. who mends and repairs things in your family;
  10. if you have ever had a bargain buying something and how it happened;
  11. what in your opinion fortune-tellers do;
  12. when people may have sour faces or sour smiles;
  13. when and how often you use thread and needles;
  14. what your mother usually says when you drop a glass or a cup and break them;
  15. what you can spread bread with.

41. Say what book characters or film characters that you know are noble.

42. A, Look at the pictures and say what the difference is between an American place setting and a British place setting. The words in the box can help you.

1) napkin/serviette; 2) fork; 3) side plate; 4) plate;
5) butter knife; 6) wine glass; 7) fish knife; 8) knife;
9) soup spoon; 10) dessertspoon

В. Explain to someone who doesn’t know how to set the table “in style”. Say what things you use and where you put them. Don’t forget that the table should look beautiful, so think of the colour of the tablecloth and napkins, flowers, candles, etc. (Unit 6, Ex. 74 can also help you.)

Read and compare!

to repair

1. We repair something that is torn, broken.
to repair clothes and shoes
to repair furniture
to repair houses, roads

2. We repair something that is not working properly.
to repair a clock/a watch
to repair a washing machine
to repair a TV set

to mend

1. We mend something that is torn, broken (often has a hole in it).
to mend clothes and shoes
to mend furniture
to mend a roof, a fence

2. ---

43. Give English equivalents of these word combinations and use them in sentences of your own. Say where you can use both the verbs to mend/to repair.

Заштопать носки, заделать дыру в заборе, починить сломанный стул, починить наручные часы, починить будильник, починить башмаки, заштопать старые брюки, починить радиоприёмник, починить стиральную машину, залатать рубаху, отремонтировать дом, чинить одежду.

Read und compare!

to throw = to make something move (on purpose)
He threw a ball 100 metres.

Throw the ball to me. Someone threw a stone at him.

to drop = to fall or let fall suddenly (without purpose)
She dropped her glasses and broke them.
I dropped the box on my foot.
The fruit dropped down from the tree.

44. Complete the sentences using the necessary forms of to throw or to drop.

  1. During dinner they ... bones to the dog.
  2. Betsy ... the vase and it broke.
  3. The boy ... a bundle of sticks in the fire.
  4. “Catch it,” Ron cried and ... a small box to me.
  5. Careful! Don’t ... the box.
  6. Rob ... away the broken cup.
  7. Nicola ... the bottle of medicine on the floor. How careless of her!

Read und compare!


1. made of gold (not often used)
a golden crown
a golden cross
a golden ring

2. looking like gold (золотой, золотистый)
golden hair
golden sand
golden light


1. made of gold
a gold watch
a gold chain
a gold ring

2. ---

45. Choose the right adjective gold or golden. In some cases both will do.

a ... ring, a ... chain, a ... field, a ... cross, ... hair, a ... watch, ... light, ... sand, ... corn, ... autumn, ... colours of November, a ... crown, ... threads

46. Express the same in English.

  1. Стол был накрыт к обеду.
  2. Почини мою рубашку, ладно?
  3. Фиона намазала хлеб маслом и вдруг уронила его.
  4. Давай договоримся о дне и времени нашей встречи.
  5. При виде бледного лица дочери мать всё поняла.
  6. Преподавание (teaching) — это благородная профессия.
  7. Не добавляй молоко в кофе. Оно кислое.
  8. Ты веришь, что гадалки могут предсказывать судьбу?
  9. Ты когда-нибудь бывал на книжной ярмарке?
  10. Смех мальчиков звучал громко и неприятно.
  11. Это выгодная сделка?
  12. Почему у Тома такая кислая улыбка? С ним всё в порядке?
  13. К несчастью, маленький Крис опаздывал на урок.
  14. У меня на варежке дырка. Починить?
  15. Было раннее утро. Мы отправлялись в путешествие.
  16. По обеим сторонам дороги были поля золотистой пшеницы.

47. A. Make sure that you know this word. Listen to the text “A Family of Musicians”, 38.

a music stand — пюпитр

B. Say who in the Parkers family:

  1. loved Mrs Parker’s cooking;
  2. was handy;
  3. played the bagpipes;
  4. played in the bedroom;
  5. could practise all through the day;
  6. tried to share as many things as they could;
  7. could enjoy the Parkers’ concerts;
  8. was the family piano player;
  9. practised downstairs in the hall.

C. Imagine that the Parkers were invited to take part in the musical competition one day and think of what happened there.



